Instructions: Information: There is NO addition of new properties angles in P6 syllabus. However, since Circle topic is taught in P6, you may require to find angles in Circle as well! (see below for tips!)
1) Student is to take out the mind-map of all the properties of angles that he or she did with the Tutor in P5 (add in the notes for angles in Circle!).
2) Student is to revise the properties of angles BEFORE attempting the questions in the worksheet.
3) Student can click on the link below to recap or review the properties of angles on straight lines, triangles and 4-sided figures. Look out for the small tips at the end of the page!
I would advise student to watch the videos for the following questions: Q4 -> as most of the students got the fluke answer 20 degrees! Are you one of them? ;p Did you assume Triange ABD as an isosceles triangle?
Q11 -> most of the students got the part (a) answer wrong. Did you get 76 degrees? If yes, GOOD JOB! :)
Q18 (angles in Circle) ->Read the notes below on angles in Circle and watch the video BEFORE attempting Q17.
5) Do note that teaching videos are provided for Q3, Q4, Q5, Q7, Q8, Q11, Q15 & Q18. Do watch the videos if you are stuck in any of the questions! :)
6) Student is to complete the homework and 'hand in' as soon as possible so that we can have the Zoom consultation (if needed) to go through the homework questions before the next lesson. Student who hand in their homework after Thursday will have their Zoom consultation on the following week.
7) Parent is to schedule with the Tutor, a convenient time (morning slots are available now except Monday & Saturday, since Full HBL in school w.e.f. 4 May 2020!) for the Zoom consultation to go through homework questions. The duration ranges from 40 min to 1 hour, depends on the number of questions to go through with your child that he/she does not know. Note: Your child's workings (saved in pdf format) are to be submitted to the Tutor ONE DAY BEFORE the Zoom consultation.
DO you know ... Isosceles triangles can be found in Circle? Why? This is because 2 sides of the triangle can be formed by the radii (plural form of radius) of a circle!